Financial Services
Financial Services are provided by the JTA Co-operative Credit Union. However teachers enrolled in credited computer courses may access a computer loan from the Association. Currently the ceiling on loans is J$100,000.
Discount Scheme
The Association has a Discount Scheme whereby teachers on the submission of proper identification can access the respective discount from businesses reflected on the Association’s Discount List.
Educational Tours
The Association arranges educational tours to overseas destinations at discount prices during the Easter, Summer and Christmas vacation periods. A letter provided by the Association allows the teacher who requires funding to access a loan from the JTA Co-operative Credit Union to assist/underwrite the cost of the tour.
Housing Solutions
Teachers may access housing solutions in housing projects developed by government or developed in partnership with government. The application for such housing is routed through and facilitated by the Association.
Investment Seminars
Regional Investment Seminars are held annually to expose our teachers to investment opportunities and to encourage them to be savvy investors.
Travel and Wellness Club
Teachers have the option of becoming members of the JTA’s Travel and Wellness Club. The Club whose motto is: “Being Well Travelled and Well”, seeks to expose teachers to different cultures worldwide and also seeks to encourage and foster good physical and mental health of our teachers.